Conference Proceedings of the 2nd Conference in Business Research and Management. University of New York Tirana (UNYT), Albania

Riferimento: 9791221808780

Editore: Aracne (Genzano di Roma)
In commercio dal: 28 Agosto 2023
Pagine: 400 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9791221808780
30,00 €
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This edited book contains the conference proceedings of the Conference in Business Research and Management, organized by the University of New York Tirana (UNYT), the University of Rome Tor Vergata, and the University of Castilla - La Mancha. The Conference took place on May 25 and 26 2022, at the University of New York Tirana (UNYT). The Conference aimed to discuss the most critical business and organizational implications of this New Normal and the future challenges that public and private organizations will face in the coming years. The volume contains 47 extended abstracts of the words presented during the Conference.