Against the dictatorship of capital. New philosophical, political and educational lines

Riferimento: 9791254745380

Editore: la Bussola
Autore: Ulliana Stefano
In commercio dal: 29 Luglio 2024
Pagine: 80 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9791254745380
14,00 €
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There is the necessity of a Manifesto for a new communist planetary movement (which must be anticapitalistic, feminist, animalist and ecologist). On the opposite side of the question the actual social and democratic disintegration becomes a real objective for western institutional (economic, political and military) powers, through the tempted eradication of the radical and revolutionary principle (the living and concrete infinite): the creative and relational, individual and collective, source of existence and living. In this way the western Dictatorship of Capital makes alive again the traditional philosophical concept of the necessary and absolute One (the abstract and alienative infinite), in order to subjugate and to exploit the populations and the goods of the entire planet Earth. This book enucleates some theoretical, political and educational points that will be able to oppose to this neutralization and mortification of existence and life, individual and collective.