New perspectives for language education. From Global English to Global Citizenship

Riferimento: 9791221814644

Editore: Aracne (Genzano di Roma)
Autore: Rossi Enrica
In commercio dal: 31 Luglio 2024
Pagine: 100 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9791221814644
12,00 €
Non disponibile


«In this book Enrica Rossi investigates with a perceptive eye the intricate connections between the global dominance of the English language and the need for sustainable and fair language education that nurtures Global Citizenship. The work employs the UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development framework and aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals to illustrate how integrating sustainable education with language teaching can effectively promote intercultural understanding and global citizenship. This work is not merely an idealistic manifesto of the role that language education might play in a better world someday, somehow, but is also pragmatic, offering a wealth of practical strategies that a teacher may start to use the very same day to implement the SDGs and global citizenship values into their classroom» - Thomas Wulstan Christiansen.