Roman shelter. Manifesto for the contemporary hut (The)

Riferimento: 9788862423854

Editore: LetteraVentidue
Autore: Balducci Fabio, Marcoaldi Paolo
Collana: Alleli/Events
In commercio dal: 17 Maggio 2023
Pagine: 108 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788862423854
18,00 €
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The Roman Shelter is a research project developed for the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021, curated by Dominique Perrault. The project represents the contribution of the DiAP Department of Sapienza University to the theme of the resilient city as framed by the Biennale. In this international context, shelter, as a central theme of architectural reflection, is explored in terms of its contemporary significance in relation to the great challenges of climate change, health crises, political conflicts or economic collapse, which give a new dimension to the concept of home. The Roman Shelter was realised by the research group coordinated by Orazio Carpenzano and Alfonso Giancotti, composed of Fabio Balducci and Paolo Marcoaldi with Veronica Caprino, Domenico Faraco, Daniele Frediani, Andrea Parisella, Claudia Ricciardi.