Game in Physical Education, Physical Activities and Sport of Children and Youth. Researches, Best Practices, Situation

Riferimento: 9791255680956

Editore: Pensa Multimedia
Collana: Motor activities physical education and sport
In commercio dal: 31 Dicembre 2023
Pagine: 542 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9791255680956
38,00 €
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The contributions (35) of the present book allow to appreciate interesting cultural approaches, studies and research on bodily-physical Game enjoying and comparing methodological-organizational applications in different countries. The Authors (97) have highlighted that the Game is an essential and unavoidable field of motor, emotional-affective and social learning to generate and multiply the experiences and relationships of children, promoting better adherence to physical activity during lifetime. Interdisciplinary approaches are obvious. The Game is born in the family, and it continues, expands and integrates with other ways of learning in school and educational contexts becoming sport; for each child it represents the carrier of all learning. The Game is a field of learning and socio-cultural inclusion and is also a field of research in which converge the themes characterizing various sciences that deserve to be valued and disseminated to guide good practices but require, everywhere, continuing teacher training, political and organizational support...