Life(s) of webs. Arachnophobias, arachnophilias, and other stories. Ediz. bilingue

Riferimento: 9788880562948

Editore: Produzioni Nero
Autore: Saraceno Tomás
In commercio dal: 11 Febbraio 2025
Pagine: 152 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788880562948
16,00 €
Non disponibile


From Saraceno's introduction: I have always been completely fascinated by spider/webs. Partly growing up in Italian exile, perhaps it was their ability to make a home anywhere and with materials they carry with them, inside, that so captivated me. Their webs have often been used as an analogy between the cosmic and the terrestrial webs of life, and continue reverberating inside me. Sometimes you can barely see them, and yet they contain a whole world, expressing the immense wisdom accumulated from hundreds of millions of years of life on Earth. Arachnophobia has therefore also always been a great mystery to me. How could anyone fear this small, incredibly sophisticated being? These questions have led me on a path to connect with other people and cultures like myself-of whom there are many, across the globe and throughout time-who do not abhor spiders, but respect them-in some cases, even worship them. Texts by Claudia Attimonelli, Salvatore Bevilacqua, Gianni Garrera, Tomás Saraceno, Laura Tripaldi, David Zeitlyn. Introductions by the Matera Basilicata 2019 Foundation team, and Anna Maria Mauro, director of the National Museum of Matera.